
Blog Tag

Some photographer friends of mine have been blog tagging each other. I've been tagged by fellow Xtreme seminar photographer and friend Michelle White. I have to tell 8 things about myself and then tag 8 other photographers.

Here we go:

1. I am a total music freak and band geek. I was in the band from Junior High until my junior year in college. Yes, I was in the Goin' Band from Raiderland! And, I took piano lessons for 9 years.

2. I have a Biology degree! That's right...I didn't start with photography in college. And, I still love reading magazine articles and books about biology...I know even more geeky!

3. My dad's name is Ron Howard. Kind of random I know...but it has gotten quite a reaction. I have even convinced a few people that he is "the Ron Howard" (well, he is to me at least).

4. I am CRAZY about dogs. I love them. I have two of my own - Gracie and Emma. I treat them like my children.

5. The first thing I do when I get home is take off my shoes. Don't get me wrong - I LOVE shoes but only for fashion reasons. If I am home, the shoes are off!

6. I don't eat food that is on a bone. There is something about tearing the food off of a bone that totally grosses me out. Also, I don't care for seafood.

7. I dream of living in Europe. I think it would be amazing to live overseas for a time. But, in the end, I want to end up in the wonderful USA!

8. I am scared of moths. I know...they are harmless. But, the way they randomly fly at you just freaks me out.

Now here's my list of 8 photographers who I'm tagging....
Kendall Price
Lauren Clark
Amy DeYoung
Cristy Cross
Kim Chau
Rachel Robinson
Tiffany - Harrison Photography
Allan Zepeda


Rachel said...

ummmi cant believe you would tag me! im freaking out! love it just a littel too much i think!

Davina said...

Shan! OHMIHECK!!! Two of my little girls' names are Gracie and Emma!!! Funny.

No shoes for me either and if someone wanted to torture me they would make me eat meat on the bone. UGH! so gross!!! And maybe we could live in Europe together...so want to do that...

Shan, I miss you and I'm so excited you're going to be in LA!!