Ok, I have never really done any kind of contest before, but I had an idea for one as I was thinking about my family today.
Mothers' Day is approaching quickly...May 13th, in case you were unaware. And, I realized I have never really said much about my wonderful mother before. So, to kick things off, I would like to share a little about my mom.
My mom, LaVern, has been my biggest fan and cheerleader throughout my life. I am constantly astounded by the selfless acts that she gives to others. I have never met anyone with a kinder, more loving, servant's heart. She has done more to uplift others than anyone I have ever met. She has been an integral part of every aspect of my life, even my business. Those of you who were clients earlier in my business have seen her helping me out...fluffing gowns, carrying equipment, getting me water at receptions...the list could go on forever. I absolutely could not have done it without her. She is a woman of amazing integrity and strength. She inspires me to be better everyday. She is my best friend, and I want to thank her by giving her a makeover and a photo session. I would like to give the same thing to one lucky mom.
I know why my mom is special, but I want you to tell me about yours. Write in with your stories about your mom and tell everyone what your mom has done to impact your life as well as others? The mother of the winner will receive a makeover - hair and makeup, a free 1 hour photo session and $100 portrait credit! It is her day to feel like a queen. Everyone can enter - so, kids (and adults) of all ages, tell us about your mom. Entries are due by April 24th. Please submit your stories by email (
shan@shanrenee.com) and include your name, your mother's name, your email, and a phone number. Please put "Mother's Day Contest" in the title of your email. Entries will be posted anonymyously on my blog, and my blog readers' will vote by email. In the event of a tie, my mother will be asked to vote to break the tie. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me by email.