
Jeremy & Lindsay

Jeremy and Lindsay were married yesterday at Polk Street United Methodist Church in Amarillo. I was so blessed to be a part of all of the festivites...and, believe me, there were lots of them!

We arrived Friday for the rehearsal. Lindsay looked gorgeous in her White House Black Market dress (I LOVE that store).

You may be wondering why I have a picture of these...well, Lindsay had 32 dozen candles in her ceremony!!! Therefore, the candle lighters had a very important job. So, each candle lighter had his own lighter with his name on it as well as a badge with OCL (official candle lighter) on it!

The rehearsal dinner was at Marizon Cafe. It was beautiful (and delicious)!

After the rehearsal dinner, I attended the lingerie shower! And, let me tell you, these ladies know how to host a fun party. Here are a few details from the shower...

One of the fun things the girls did was to name each of the pieces of lingerie Lindsay received. Let's just say, they were very creative. Then, the favorites were hung on the fireplace.

It was a fun evening and the wedding was amazing. Stay tuned for images from the wedding day!

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